“Insuper letitia est utendum ac tripudiis sonis variis in quibus anima delected: et super omnia cauendum est a cogitatione pestis”.
G. Torella, Rome, 1504
“Tripudiis Sonis Variis” is an unexpected yet very specific product of the isolation the three artists suffered during the multiple Covid19 lockdowns in their hometown, Melbourne, and responds to the specific need for a reflection on the significance of music and art in times of social distress.
"Tripudis Sonis Variis" is the title of a concert as well as an album to be released in 2023, presenting a mesmerizing mosaic of Italian Baroque melodies, revisited and reinvented with a sophisticated combination of improvised music and electronic soundscapes.
While melodies and lyrics represent the songs’ architrave, form, harmony and ornaments are used to design original music architectures,
beyond the traditional constraints of classical music or commercial pop songs. Electronics (whether loops, grooves or soundscapes) are employed and treated as all other voices in the shaping of each arrangement, in pursuit of the specific compositional art of part-writing in the Florid Counterpoint.
In the repertoire selection, a closer consideration has been reserved to the less celebrated Italian female Baroque composers the likes of Barbara Strozzi and Isabella Leonarda, or to less known arias like Carissimi "No, No, non si speri."
With Mirko Guerrini - arrangements, electronics, saxes, duduk, ethnic flutes.
And guest soloists: a.o. John Griffiths, Paul Williamsons, Paul Grabowsky , Paolo Angeli (IT/SP), Roberto Occhipinti (Canada)